Monday, March 5, 2012

Life Update(s)- without the dates, obviously ;)

So, today is a lazy morning. I woke up, made some coffee, threw in a load of laundry, made my bed and I am now waiting for my mom to arrive with the dog's food so I can feed our Golden Retriever. Poor girl, I always feel so guilty when I walk by the back door because she just sits there, waiting, expecting me to do what I have done every other morning, yet I ignore her. I could probably appease her by going out and playing fetch for awhile, but I was selfish, I was anxious to read the word and to get started on this cup of coffee I just poured. Ah, I'm working on it, Okay!?!
Anyhow, the real reason I wanted to write was that the last few days have been miraculous. Seriously and truly from God. I went to Tijuana, Mexico on Saturday with my church and I just felt protected, annointed (as a group) the entire time. Our supposed mission wasn't accomplished, but we were there as a church representing a love that still endures and I pray, I think, that word still got to a few people there. I was very thankful for the opportunity to do something new, I've never gone on an evangelical outreach, despite a trip or two of delivering clothes when I was younger and in Virginia, so I was lokking forward to the one on Saturday. I want to get more experience with talking to people about Jesus, what He has done for me in my life, so that I might be able to encourage them to seek for His love in their lives. Also, I think the point is to pray for people, those who are hurting, lost and afraid. Just to pray that God would deliver them, heal them, help them, give them peace to surpass all understanding, I need help to pray in that way for people. So, the trip didn't turn out quite like we expected, but in little ways my own needs were met and I'm sure it worked out as it was designed to. Besides all of that, because I know I don't understand what the real plan was, I was so thankful to spend the time with the church members, just talking and getting to know one another. That was an extreme blessing and it was an equally awesome day.
The other thing that happened was yesterday! What a day, what an amazing, glorious day :) I went to church with my little sister, who made me smile before I had even walked out the door to get gas in the car.. these smiles are important okay, because as of late I haven't been giving them out freely. They are important to me, anyway, because ideally, I'd be wearing one all the time... work in progress, right? So, after church and a delicious lunch with my mom and sister, I cam home and took our dog (the Golden) on a walk. There were softball players at the park, so she and I finally tried the trail behind all the houses that I have been itching to discover. It was worth it! Breath-taking views and solitude, my kind of walk! She got to play fetch along the way and her tail was wagging, so I'm assuming she had no complaints either. The really great part was when we got to a point in the trail when a canyon fell off to the left side. There was plenty of straightaway so I thought nothing of it as I tossed the ball for Mia. Unfortunately, it bounced off the ground and finally off of her snout, right over the edge. Before I could react it was gone, and so was she, bounding after her little ball. I ran to the edge just in time to see the two enormous hawks flying up, getting away from the disturbance. Their wing span was incredible, especially at such a close range and in such slow motion. I felt bad for Mia, she came back up with moss and twigs covering her, but as I cleared away the debris, she sat wagging her tail all the more. I couldn't help but feel proud of her and even more delighted at the present that she, nature, God had just given me. It was beautiful. It almost, but not quite, matched the amazement I had at last night's sunset. Talk about incredible!
I saw it on my way to church last night. Once again, God met me in that place and I left the service with a sense of calm and peace that I am only now starting to get comfortable with. I was so glad that I went. As I was heading home, I remembered that I was responsible for cooking dinner, it's my family responsibility on Sundays and Wednesdays. Sometimes, I get really stressed about finding something that everyone will enjoy (as I try not to eat meat and my family enjoys it, and there are other limitations like types of veggies, etc.) Needless to say, I try to be accommodating, but this adds to my agitation because I am not an extremely confident cook to begin with and then add to the mix that I am feeding a larger amount of people than I ever have in my life.. It wears on me. Well, the good news (finally) is that last night, I decided to pray. What I said was, "God, please help me prepare a meal that my family and I will enjoy without having to think too much about it. That I might come to a recipe easily enough and be able to cook it fast enough without feeling pressure or strain." That's how I know my prayer was answered, just like that. I came home and made something completely different than what I was expecting to, from that morning's effort of scanning a cookbook, and my family actually liked it! I had a good time cooking and an even better one because they made me feel appreciated by what the meal offered. It was a good ending to a seemingly perfect day. Thank God!
And, what now? What for today? I have no idea, I'm still sitting here, writing this up, sipping my coffee, but I'm sure it will be something He has planned, I'm glad that I've learned that I can leave even the littlest things up to Him. What a load off :) God Bless everybody...

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