Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Mother's Love, continued

The last post I made under the heading, "A  Mother's Love," was just a week after finding out I was pregnant with my second son (of course, I didn't know he was a he yet). It was interesting to read my thoughts on how I'd feel loving a second child. Our first little one really does become our whole world, don't they?
But now, Oliver is here and, in fact, I've already had my third son. So, all my musings about what it would be like to have either two boys or a boy and a girl are out the window. I'm sitting here now, trying to imagine a life with three, knuckle-head boys, who love to wrestle but still make time to clear the table and obviously love to read.
This is my life now, and it's taken me some time to come to terms with it, or at least, to fully grasp it.
I wasn't expecting this pregnancy, but I'm so glad it happened. It's been such a whirl wind, I can still hardly wrap my mind around it.
Three Boys.
In all this time, four years of marriage. I've had three sons, three little people that look up to me, depend on me, rely on me, sometimes* listen to me, and mostly love me.
I have graduated with my degree, even though I still have credentialing to do.
I'm eager to start, to find out, what the next chapter in my book looks like.
I hope it has a family vacation penciled in!