Sunday, November 6, 2011

The weekend is over. Danielle is on her way back to Santa Barbara and I am back to considering what it is I am suppose to be doing. Work, school work, cleaning, life planning. All of the things I'm not great at, but want to get better at doing. Necessary and beneficial, so why not? It's overwhelming though, you know? Trying to decide what should come first. Danielle's really great at it, she's inspirational actually and her visit couldn't have been timed any more perfectly. It has made me do some reflecting on where I'm headed for this next year, where do I want to be this time next November, that sort of thing.
I want to be in my career at that point. And not just want to, I will be. I'm done floundering around. That means more school. That much I have arrived at. Now, like a domino effect, that also means funding for school. That means the search for scholarships and filling out of applications needs to begin. That means aggressively pursuing. That also means maybe one or two more years of not quite being where I want to be, but getting there. Part-time job, possibly. Living at home for a year to save money, maybe. Car, necessary. Here we go!!! Thank God for these changes and for the strength to go through with them.

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