Sunday, August 17, 2014

Devotional~ Day Two/ Forgiveness.

Day Two:

One of the hardest principles of Christianity for me to understand is forgiveness. To love and to begin trusting God, I believe we must forgive Him for anything we hold against Him (a misunderstanding, a prayer unanswered, or a heart that was torn out and broken) and then forgive ourselves for any and all of the past mistakes in our lives. We must forget where we were going before we came to Christ and begin walking like His beloved children now, highly forgiven and highly favored. We are the apples of His eye and He wants us to know how much He loves and beholds us. 

I am in need of forgiveness so often, on a daily basis, and yet I trust myself to pursue God. I have faith that I will continue on my path of seeking to understand Him and of believing in Him to fix my heart on Him permanently. I never want to go back to the life I once lived. I never want to be in that much pain or darkness, and yet, I am ungrateful and selfish still. How much grace and forgiveness have I been shown, but am still unable to operate in towards others?

He sees me with grace. I flourish under His care and loving arms. How much more for those who I can extend my grace and forgiveness to as well? To be loving and open and honest with them. To establish forgiveness and right standing and to tell them I understand where they are coming from. To withhold my guilt or condemnation because I alone am not perfect. I am not only unworthy of judging, but I am also undeserving of judgment. To forgive myself and others is a higher calling, a Godly principle that benefits us all. In the way of the world, forgiveness might seem foolish. In God's eyes, all He sees is perfection. And I'd like to spend a little more time in that light. I not only want to see people without judgment, but with an active love that sees the best in them-in anyone, all of the time.

My Prayer

Thank you Lord that you do not judge me or personally attack me when I make mistakes. Please help me to be more forgiving and gracious like you, Lord. Please help me to not take everything so seriously or personally, in light of eternity. God, I know sometimes things don’t go my way and I can begin to think negatively. I’m sorry I doubt you and I’m sorry I doubt your love for me. Mostly, I’m sorry for a haughty attitude I can carry with me, especially since it affects how I deal with the rest of your people. Thank you for your forgiveness and your never ending love and kindness. Thank you that today is a new day and that you can renew my soul and give me strength to go out and interact in a way that would make you smile. Amen.

2 Chronicles 33:12-13
“In his distress he sought the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his ancestors. 13) And when he prayed to him,  the Lord was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea; so he brought him back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord was God.

Song: At the Foot of the Cross by Kathryn Scott

Your Thoughts, Your Changes, Your Progress. (Space for your quiet time with God).

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