Saturday, August 16, 2014


  A Road Map 
              The college student's devotional.


The following devotional was written with the intense desire to serve God and to help people. I have personally gone through what I write about and hope to reach those who can relate. The following twenty-one entries are intended to provide you with an intimate experience with God as you begin your journey with HIm. You may already be walking with God and wish to draw closer, that is alright too. 

Included in every day's entry is a brief discussion of the topic, directly below each heading. I have carefully selected the order in hopes of bringing closure and completeness to this journey. If, for any reason, you feel like jumping around and seeing what lies ahead, please feel free to do so. The order and progression are more of recommendations and with all the information at your fingertips, God is more than able to reach you in any order of this book! 

You'll find a song at the end of each day which I suggest as a tool and starting point for worship and reflection. I enjoy including music in my private time with the Lord, for the most part, and these songs relate in content to the day they are attached to. Again, feel free to make a whole play list with the songs you'll find here and run through it every day you worship. It really doesn't matter, but the tools are here to help you and give you a diving off point.

I leave space at the bottom of each page for you to jot down any notes, if you so desire. At the end of each week is also a section for you to reflect on your journey so far and note any changes you see you've made or any things you might be thankful to God for. I always enjoy journaling while I pray, but then again, I'm a writer. Some people are not so much and that's fine!

The last, and most important, item in the daily devotional is a specific verse or two you can turn to and really let it sink in. I wrote the whole verse out for you because it's good just to see the letters on the page. However, if you have the time and have your Bible handy, please turn to the verse and search the scriptures for more, and more in depth, passages. God is speaking to us constantly and loves revealing His nature through His Word.

May you find what you are looking for and be ever set free in the loving grace of God Almighty. Thank you for taking this journey with me, each step forward is a brave step towards a new beginning. We are never too far gone to be reached and never too clean to not need to be refreshed. 

Day One:

You've obviously picked up this devotional with the intent of drawing closer to God. He asks us to seek Him and to seek Him with all of our hearts. Not half of our hearts, not a quarter portion that we reserve for Wednesday and Sunday church services, but a full-hearted, eager devotion to the Lord. God wants us to pursue Him whole-heartedly, in all avenues of our lives.  

Give up whatever it is that is drawing you away from the throne room of Christ. Let go of whatever is holding you back from getting even closer with God. Maybe you feel exhausted and drained from a busy schedule, and have no idea where to find the time for devotion. Make it. Even five minutes. Trust me, whatever time you give up to meet with God, you'll be rejuvenated and restored to approach the rest of your tasks. It isn't that He wants us isolated and alone, but that He wants to protect our hearts from the things of this world that aim to hurt us. There are so many distractions that, at first, quiet time might feel odd, but eventually it will be helpful in clearing your mind and allowing God to speak to you.

What is holding you back? Is it alcohol? Is it anorexia? Is it pain or depression or are you angry with God? Are you longing to make those feelings go away and start new, start fresh? Seek God and seek God with all of your heart and watch as the hold on your heart is dropped. Enter into His courts with thanksgiving and be amazed by all He has in store for you.


Dear God,

Please help me truly look into myself during these next twenty days. I want to be able to admit where I am falling short and even where I have been hurt, so that you can heal me and make me bolder, stronger than before. I know you want a people who are 
proud of what Jesus Christ has done for us, so that we may show that joy and love to the people of the world who are still enslaved, afraid, and hurting. Please help me find whatever is in me or attacking me (sin, shame, ignorance, etc.) and get rid of it once and for all! I want to be a free individual who can clap and dance and be merry for the light you have placed in my soul. Amen.

Jeremiah 29:13
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."

Song: Pursuit by Jesus Culture

Your Thoughts, Your Changes, Your Progress. (Space for your quiet time with God).

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