First of all, Happy Birthday to my step-dad! Not sure of his exact age, but I'm pretty sure that's acceptable as we age, isn't it? I'm not really firm on that fact and my conscience is telling me, "Noo..."
The second point comes from the book I'm reading recently, Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado.
His words,
"When you and I crest Mount Zion and hear the applause of saints, we'll realize this: hands pushed us up the mountain too. The pierced hands of Jesus Christ, the greatest servant who ever lived" (page 135).
So, on November second I'm thankful for all of the hands that have pushed me up the mountain. Some have been obvious life-players, such as my mom or friends, but others were those who smiled at me and reminded me to do the same or opened up into an extraordinarily intimate conversation as if we had known each other for years while in reality we sat patiently "next" in line.
This life is so beautiful, when we have the time to sit and look around at it. Whether it is a moment of reflection while you are driving home in traffic or the silent moments between wrings as you wash out your latest "special wash" t-shirt.
I'm not saying we should stop and ponder all the miracles of life in every moment we have to ourselves, but enjoy them when they come. They are frequent, sometimes far between. I can't explain the variance. God gives them to us in seasons, so as we approach the holidays, lets all be thankful for what we do have instead of focusing on what we don't. I want to be thankful for the love and joy I get to glean from others. I'm thankful for my health and my time together on this Earth with all of you. I'm thankful for my life and the endless chances I've been given to relive it. I'm thankful for love and it's endless possibilities. I'm thankful for friendships that continue to take me by storm and I'm thankful for the book that someone I love placed in my hands that has brought me to this very moment when I am able to write down the words as they come into my mind. I'm thankful for all of that and now I'm wondering what I'll be able to come up with tomorrow since I was planning to list my list only day by day :)
Good night everybody. I hope you had a blessed day and that God continues blessing you and revealing how extremely special and valued you are in His eyes and how deeply He cares for each and every one of us.
Jennifer Lynn Cotham.
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