Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Just Another Wednesday Morning.

I was able to spend the night beside my husband. I'm extremely thankful for that. The word says that when two lay together they will keep each other warm. It's good to know that such a blessing as getting to know another human so intimately is biblical and sanctioned by God! I feel blessed by that and I'm excited as I get into this blog. It's something I've been thinking about in light of the recent presidential election. As someone who lives in a household full of Republicans, and is surrounded by Republicans in general, I knew how much Romney was supported by those with Christian values. To say the least, the selection of Obama for a re-election was less than thrilling, some expressed this in a more optimistic approach while others claimed "fire and brimstone" would be coming down on our country. This isn't a conversation about any other person's reaction, except mine. Forgive me for the focus, but I'm not sure a blog written about someone else would be too successful, or authentic. I'm not interested in the opinions of others, but it was helpful to range what I so strongly felt upon hearing the news.

Obama takes the vote.
I wasn't surprised.
I had a feeling that Christians weren't coming together enough (myself included!). It seemed like apathy had overtaken the Republic* nation and confusion had caused most voters to give up on voting entirely. Others still point to "obvious" corruption going on in Philadelphia where out of 29 districts not one vote went to Romney. As he* put it, "There would have been at least one looney who put Romeny down on a ballot. It was rigged." I can't say I disagree. 

There was something besides boredom when I heard that Obama had been re-elected. I thought, "Good." Let's see what he can do for this nation. Let's see what the mighty wave of God has in store, that through a man who spouts corruption, see the Petraeus Scandal, God will move in a mighty way in this nation. I know that America needs to make a change. I know that many are against the "Socialist" approach to healthcare, but I'm one who is against selfishness and the independence that is causing so many people to be lost and unsaved. I'm taking my examples from the Bible. Look what the people did when anything needs to be done in their city. They come together. They pull resources. They do jobs they weren't doing before. And at the end, they come together and do their rejoicing.  

Ezra 3: 11And they sang together by course in praising and giving thanks unto the Lord; because he is good, for his mercy endureth for ever toward Israel. And all the people shouted with a great shout, when they praised the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid.

In 2 Chronicles 31:20-21 Hezekiah goes throughout Judah doing "what was good and right and faithful before his Lord God." And because "he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly...he prospered."

Let's do that. Regardless of the outcome of the election, let's all continue working hard to do the work that God has called us to do and let's continue believing that He has a plan for all things. That no president is going to overcome God's great plan for us. That even the most corrupt kings in the Old Testament had a change of heart. Manasseh reportedly ranked near the top in a list of corrupt kings, but in 2 Chronicles 33:12-13, "he sought the favor of the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the God of his ancestors. And when he prayed to him, the Lord was moved by his entreaty and listened to his plea; so he brought him back to Jerusalem and to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord is God." There could be that kind of movement and if not, they were ousted. Nothing is impossible for him who believes, and I can see a great opportunity for God's love and light to shine. For his arm to move in a way that no man can imagine. It's all going to be good and God! Amen. <3 

We do need to come together though and work. We can see in Acts, Chapter 11, Verse 29 and 30 that "the disciples, as each one was able, decided to provide help for the brothers and sisters living in Judea. They did this sending their gift to the elders by Barnabas and Saul."

Wow. Really? The disciples (1)came together and (2)decided to help their (3)
brothers and sisters.
1. Can we come together? Can we lay aside our differences and just pull together to give what extra we do have? I have an awesome visual of that. It looks something like a Thanksgiving dinner open to the community on Thursday morning. It looks like people paying what they can to get a larger building built that would house not just our congregation, but any visitors that were able and all in one service so as to not burn out our pastor. 
2. They decided. They made a conscious decision to help. That's what it needs to be, after all. We all want the Holy Spirit to guide us, to tell us how much to give precisely. At least, I did. I stopped doing a Holy Spirit "check" each time the offering went around because it was always a number higher than the one I was holding onto in my mind. I'm not the best at giving generously. I'm working on it. But we have to decide to give, something, anything. They gave, meaning they gifted. If it comes from us as a gift, as a generous desire to help another, don't you think it will inevitably be just right? Maybe not. Maybe you think what you have to give is not good enough, but don't look at it that way. Think about what God can do when we give. He can make fish and loaves more than enough, He can make our offerings far exceed the desired amount.

Lastly, third, the disciples helped their "brothers and sisters." I know for sure I haven't been seeing all Americans as my brothers and sisters, but what if we did? Would that change the way we donated? It would for me, I know that for sure.
I want to stop holding on with fear, with hesitation, questioning whether or not my money, or time, is going to the right place and is going to be appreciated. I even think it would have been hard for to send my gift with Barnabas and Saul, for fear they would spend it along the way on their journey. I'm that way. But I don't want to be. I want to give and give graciously. I want to be that kind of person that my brothers and sisters know they can count on, for anything. God please make a mighty work in me, change my heart to desire what you do, to make decisions that you would have me to make, that the disciples made seemingly effortlessly. Amen.

In Hezekiah's word, "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged...for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us fight our battles" (vs 7-8a).

"And the people gained confidence from what Hezekiah the king of Judah said" (vs 8b). May it be so with us. May our great nation be blessed. I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us as we join together in community and find strength in numbers. I know I'm stronger after my marriage, and that was just adding one to my little life circle. Imagine what we all can do!
Have a blessed day!
Me!<---Jenn :)

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