Acts 1:8.
Wow. This is Jesus speaking to His disciples. I love how it came true and imagine, the prophets must have thought Jesus was a dreamer. An idealist, if you will. How could men get out to the "uttermost part of the earth" with language barriers and traveling difficulties? Yet again, maybe they didn't question it for one moment. Either way, imagine how much truer that statement came with the invention of technology and, even earlier, the printing press. I've said this before, even if the Bible is a self-fulfilling prophesy, it's still true. References like that one make me so thrilled because sometimes I wonder who would look at my life and be able to see the tangible effects and truth that God has made a great change in me, therefore He must live? Maybe both examples are needed for someone out there, maybe that someone is myself. I thank God He knows me better than I know myself; that He floods in like a tidal wave and washes out any doubt and replaces it completely with joy and hope. To believe in God is manifold. To go out, to witness, but also to simply live a life that reflects His glory. That comes from being loved. Being loved by God means that without question you can love others. It's amazing and right now, impossible for me to describe more fully, but I promise, it's worth every moment of dedication.
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