I'm not sure if you're like me. You hold your tongue because what you have to say might sound rude. You aren't trying to be offensive, but the possibility that you are going to be perceived that way is relatively high, so you steer away from that comment. Maybe you make light of the situation and maybe you bring up a whole different conversation altogether and maybe, still, you default on affirming the person, rather than addressing the real topic on hand. But, why? Why, if our intentions are not confrontational do we side-step our original comments in order to avoid potentially uncomfortable conversations?
I'm acknowledging my own weakness in doing this exact same thing before I dive into my irritation with those who do it too. (If I call it like I see it with myself, I'm therefore allowed to call others out as well, right?). Well, anyways, I was thinking about all of this because of the religious posts I put on Facebook.
I know full well that some of my friends aren't Christians; people I consider friends in my daily life, but also the mere acquaintances who were forced to adopt the friendship title based on Facebook's strict regulations of our social status. Beyond that, they probably don't agree with most of the verses I post from the Bible. Yet, as I think about why they don't reply, why they don't ask what in the world am I talking about in those verses, I can only think of the above reasoning and perhaps one other. They see the Bible verses and think the sentiment is nice, they aren't bothered by my outward expression of spirituality and thereby skim on to the next post. This latter reason for the slim comments on my posts could be discouraging because, let's face it, half the reason for my posting scripture is evangelism. At the very least, I'm going for encouragement.
That's why I like today's verse from Romans 8.
Verse 26 says, "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans."
I need that. I need to know that I have weaknesses. To know that sometimes, I don't say the "right" thing, but maybe it was what needed to be said. I need to be reminded that I don't always need to hush myself and think through every conversation, afraid of offended someone, if that is not my intention. I cannot control everyone's reaction to my thoughts and feelings and ideas, that is for them to decide and for me to say what is really on my heart. I'd like to remember that. I'd like to get better at that. I'd like to have more trust in God, that He is leading me to say what needs to be said. Whether it is during prayer or before or after. I needed to hear that verse, which is kinda the point of this entire blog. Even I don't always know what I need to hear, but God does. This morning's devotional was spot on, if you will.
I hope you all are having a great day and that you go wherever the Spirit leads you! Whether in conversation or otherwise. Remember, a flattering tongue doesn't do any good, but words thought out to bring edification to a friend are really from the heart. That's from the Bible too, I just can't quote it word for word, yet. I'm working on it :)
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