What's the point of this blog? I'm getting married. "But what's the point," I ask myself. Everyone already knows and if they don't they will eventually. The point is grace. The point is that I would never be where I am if God did not exist and was not leading me down this path.
It is, after all, a virtually impossible path I'm embarking on. Then again, I'm not doing it alone.
There's another time and place for that story though, the one I need to share right now is a little less poetic and more angry. It's one of those personal pieces that isn't meant to be shined up and put on display. Nevertheless. Here I am, so I'm angry, I'm frustrated and I'm frustrated of being frustrated.
My fiance and I are getting married on October 27th. Of this year. Does anyone have a problem with that? I know you do because I've heard your comments about couples in your shoes before and I see the looks that we get. Does it matter? Not really. Should it? I'm not sure, but I'm done with the doubt and the questions affecting my joy. My fiance and I are so happy it isn't even funny. We are more in love than I know what to do with. He completes me and he feels the same.
We have a month to get married and we honestly have no idea what we are doing!
We have to order flowers. I have to find myself a dress as well as order bridesmaids dresses. We have to get decorations, order invitations, get a caterer, plan our finances and all of that, but in the back ground, even with all of that, we are so happy to be marrying eachother. Regardless of the pain, we know we are doing the right thing and that's the testimony to God. Maybe now it looks different, but in thirty years when we are sitting side by side, I'm going to know we made the right decision. He's the most loving, caring man I've ever met. I'm just really happy with him. And no, life is not perfect but I'm not going to be let down by it anymore. He and I are taking it one day at a time and thankfully within one month we'll be able to figure it all out together.
Day one of God talking to me and telling me everything is going to be fine:
Ephesians 2:14 "For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility...15)His purpose was to create in himself one new man, out of two, thus making peace. 16)and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility."
Who of you know that two people joining their lives, until forever, after only five months of knowing each other need God to kill the hostility? It presents itself for absolutely no reason and he and I are believing God that He has made a way through this pain. We are resting in His peace and the promise that He brings and that's worth it to me to marry someone I know I can trust and who brings me more joy than I've ever experienced in my life.
The second verse I saw this morning (thank you God!) is 1 Corinthians 7:1-7. No time to write it up right now...going to dinner with the mom and mom-in-law to do some planning! Thank you God for joy and peace. Thank you for this time of celebration!
Love, Jenn!
Follow along for more updates on the wedding and other fun details!!! :)
Next on the list is a wedding dress. At this rate, I hope I fit in right away because we are out of time for alterations. lol. God's grace is enough, even when I don't deserve it. He's good all of the time. Amen!
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